Now Available: Parallel Alices by Christopher Tyler

Parallel Alices, book coverParallel Alices: Alice through the Looking-Glass of Eleanor of Aquitaine
by Christopher Tyler

Cloth (with dust jacket): 170 pages. Over 100 colour illustrations. Glossary, timelines, annotated bibliography, index. ISBN: 10: 0972533044; 13: 978-0-9725330-4-1

Paperback (colour): 144 pages. Over 100 colour illustrations. Bibliography, index. ISBN: 10: 0972533087; 13: 978-0-9725330-8-9

Paperback (monochrome): 170 pages. Over 100 monochrome illustrations. Glossary, timelines, annotated bibliography, index. ISBN: 10: 0972533095; 13: 978-0-9725330-9-6

Prices: Cloth: US$54.00; Paperback: US$24 (colour): US$12 (monochrome)

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